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Cool idea. Inspiring me to try something similar… (And good shout out to TextureLabs - love that guy, been a Patreon supporter for awhile). But yeah, these are gorgeous - good subtle use of bold textures. Love 05 particularly.

Thanks for sharing - I’ll use these as inspiration while starting up my solo Death in Space.

Texturelas is the bomb, I've also been a Patron supporter for some time now! Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you found these useful :)


It’s really fantastic Jean! I’ll use one for UNIT DH-17

Thanks IKO! Really happy I'll be a small part of this zine :)


These are absolutely gorgeous and terrifying. Looking forward to finding a project to use them in :)


Thanks a lot, I'd love to see what you make with them!


Once you see this, you can't unsee it


Thanks Armanda, working on these late at night was a bad idea, I scared myself a few times ahah

I'm thinking what to do with these, cause they're mesmerizing but also, so not my regular style. I might do some irl zine.